INTRODUCTION  OF  HTML.                         

HTML stands for Hyper Text  Mark-up Language. It is a mark -up language for web pages. With HTML one can create and format web pages.It provides for text like heading , paragraph, lists, tables,etc, to create a structured documents.

HTML is the most dominant language for web pages. It is the encoding scheme used to create and format a web documents.HTML page is written in the form of HTML elements called an HTML tags which are interpreted by the browser to present a layout on screen.


HTML is a language that provides a very simple mechanism to format a page, outputting page in different formats,design tables,embedding images, and other objects. One can play with text according to its own requirements.

Secondly, it is very easy to learn and it is the most widely accepted language for web designing.


HTML pages are written in the form of HTML elements. HTML elements can be described as tags surrounded by angle brackets '<' and '>', which are interpreted by the browser to perform a specific formatting . For example how basic tags are used.

Copy the following HTML and paste in a text  editor like Notepad and save the file on your hard disk.



                 <title>First page </title>


               My First page

  </ body>

  </ html>

Now click on the folder where you saved the above file and double click on the file. The file should open in your default browser.


All HTML files begin with the <html> tag and end with the </html> tag. HTML file has two section HEAD and BODY. The HEAD part is described by content between the <head> and </head> tag, while the BODY part is described by the content between <body > and </body> tag.


 Plz try the following HTML in your browser.



               <title> First   Page</title>



               My name is <b> Sinchan</b>. This is my first <u>HTML</u> page.



The page can be display on your browser will be as follows .


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